Last Updated: 06.02.2024

Rowe AI Ltd Hosting Policy

  1. Free Hosting During Development:

Clients will be provided with free hosting services during the development phase of their system or website. The development phase is defined as the period in which Rowe AI Ltd is actively working on the creation or major overhaul of the client’s system or website.

  1. 30-day Bug Guarantee Period:

2.1 Duration of Guarantee: Upon completion of the system or website, Rowe AI Ltd will provide a bug guarantee period of 30 days. This period begins on the date of the final delivery or launch of the system or website, after final feedback has been addressed.

2.2 Scope of Guarantee: During the 30-day bug guarantee period, Rowe AI Ltd will address and rectify any bugs or issues directly related to the development at no additional cost to the client. This guarantee covers only those issues that are a direct result of the development work conducted by Rowe AI Ltd.

2.3 Definition of a Bug: For the purposes of this guarantee, a “bug” is defined as a defect or flaw in the system or website’s functionality that deviates from the specifications outlined in the project requirements. It does not include issues arising from changes made by the client or third parties, hosting-related problems not caused by Rowe AI Ltd, or issues due to updates or changes in third-party services or software.

2.4 Reporting of Issues: Clients must report any bugs or issues within the 30-day guarantee period. Reports received after the conclusion of this period will not be covered under the bug guarantee. Rowe AI Ltd encourages clients to thoroughly test and examine the system or website during this period and report any issues promptly.

2.5 Responsibility for Non-Guaranteed Issues: Issues reported after the expiration of the 30-day bug guarantee period, or issues not covered under the scope of the guarantee, can still be addressed by Rowe AI Ltd but will incur additional charges. Rowe AI Ltd will provide a quotation for the resolution of such issues upon request.

2.6 Documentation and Sign-off: At the end of the 30-day bug guarantee period, Rowe AI Ltd will seek formal sign-off from the client, confirming that the system or website is functioning as agreed. It will automatically be assumed that the site or system is accepted if there has been no response from the client. Any issues not reported by this time will be deemed to fall outside the bug guarantee period.

2.7 Extended Support Options: After the 30-Day support period has expired, there is an option to transition to a maintenance contract or an hourly rate for any additional work required.

  1. Free Hosting Post-Development:


3.1 Duration and Conditions: Free hosting services will be provided until the end of the 30-day bug guarantee period. This offer is contingent upon the client’s system or website remaining hosted on Rowe AI Ltd’s servers.


3.2 Delivery of Files: Upon completion of development and again at the conclusion of the 30-day bug guarantee period, Rowe AI Ltd will provide the client with a complete zip file of all website or system files. This ensures that clients have everything they need to transition to another hosting service if they choose to do so.


3.3 Transition to Paid Hosting: Clients are encouraged to transition their site to their chosen hosting environment either at the beginning or during the 30-day bug guarantee period. Following the end of the 30-day period, clients will be automatically transitioned to Rowe AI Ltd’s standard hosting plans and pricing unless a different arrangement has been agreed upon.


3.4 Data Upload Limitations: During the free hosting period, clients will be subject to data upload limitations to prevent excessive use of server resources. Rowe AI Ltd will clearly communicate these limits to the client. Exceeding these limits may result in additional charges or necessitate an earlier transition to a paid hosting plan.

3.5 Notification of Transition: Clients will be notified in advance of the expiration of the free hosting period and provided with details regarding the transition to paid hosting, including available plans and pricing.

  1. Hosting on External Servers:

If clients choose to host their system or website on an external server, Rowe AI Ltd will not provide reimbursements for hosting services. The bug guarantee will still be honored during the 30-day period, regardless of the hosting location, provided we have access to the client’s server.

  1. Deployment to External Servers:

5.1 Deployment Fee: In cases where clients opt to host their system or website on external servers, Rowe AI Ltd will provide deployment services for a fee. This fee is necessary due to the varying complexities and resource requirements involved in deploying different systems and websites.


5.2 Fee Structure: The deployment fee will be determined based on the specific requirements and scope of each project. All systems and website deployment tasks are subject to a flat rate of £150. Plus £75 per hour thereafter. We will provide a detailed quote for deployment services upon request, ensuring transparency and allowing clients to make informed decisions.


5.3 Waiver of Deployment Fee for In-House Hosting: Clients who choose to continue hosting their system or website on Rowe AI Ltd’s servers will not incur any deployment fees. This option offers a cost-effective solution while ensuring seamless operation and support.


5.4 Deployment Process: Deployment to external servers includes transferring all necessary files and configurations, and ensuring functional integrity in the new hosting environment. Our team will work closely with the client to ensure a smooth transition.

5.5 Final Payment and Deployment: Deployment to an external server will be initiated only after the final payment for the development project and the agreed-upon deployment fee have been received.

  1. Billing and Payment Terms:


6.1 Details of billing cycles, payment terms, and methods will be provided to clients upon the transition to paid hosting.


6.2 Client’s Responsibility for Timely Payments: It is the client’s responsibility to ensure timely payments to maintain uninterrupted hosting services.


6.3 Delayed Final Payment and Hosting Services: Rowe AI Ltd values prompt and timely payments to ensure the smooth provision of both development and hosting services. In the event of a delayed final payment for the development project, the following terms apply:


6.3.1 Payment Due Date: The client is expected to make the final payment for the development work by the agreed-upon due date, as specified in the Billing and Payment Terms section in the initial proposal.

6.3.2 Extended Free Hosting Period: In the event of a delayed final payment, Rowe AI Ltd allows a grace period of 14 days beyond the due date for the final payment. During this period, hosting services will continue without interruption.


6.3.3 Notification of Overdue Payment: If the final payment is not received within the grace period, Rowe AI Ltd will notify the client of the overdue payment and provide a 7-day period to settle the outstanding amount.


6.3.4 Service Suspension: If the client fails to make the final payment within the additional period, Rowe AI Ltd reserves the right to suspend hosting services until the payment is received.


6.3.5 Data Backup and Termination: Prior to any service suspension, Rowe AI Ltd will provide a final notice to the client. Data will be backed up and put into cold storage by Rowe AI Ltd. If the payment remains unpaid, hosting services will be terminated, and all associated data, including websites, email accounts, and databases, will be permanently deleted.


6.3.6 Reactivation of Services: Upon settlement of the overdue payment, Rowe AI Ltd will reactivate hosting services. Additional fees may apply to cover administrative and service reactivation costs.

6.3.7 Impact on Bug Guarantee: Any bug guarantee period will be adjusted based on the actual hosting duration, considering the time during which the hosting services were suspended.

  1. Cancellation Policy for Rowe AI Ltd’s Paid Hosting Services:


7.1 30-Day Refund Policy: Clients are eligible for a full refund if they cancel their paid hosting plan within 30 days of the initial purchase.


7.2 No Refunds Beyond 30 Days: No refunds will be issued for cancellations made after the 30-day period.


7.3 Account and Data Termination: Upon cancellation, the client’s account and all associated data, including websites, email accounts, and databases, will be permanently deleted.


7.4 Data Backup Responsibility: Clients must ensure their data is backed up before requesting cancellation.


7.5 Cancellation Process: To cancel, clients must contact Rowe AI Ltd’s support team and confirm their request.

7.6 Plan Changes and Adjustments: Clients can contact the support team for assistance with changing or adjusting their hosting plan.

7.7 Renewal Cancellation: Clients should inform Rowe AI Ltd before the renewal date to prevent automatic renewal.